Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thing 22: What Did I Learn Today?

I believe that one of the most valuable things about working with kids is they keep you up to date. They make it almost impossible not to stay current in pop culture and technology, or at least current enough to have heard the buzz words - new musicians, TV shows, celebrity gossip, and new web-based tools. Completing this class has given me the confidence and the curiosity to take the next step and actually get online and TRY these new tools.

I was pleasantly surprised at how relatively little trouble I had while trying the tools within the 23 Things on a Stick curriculum. I have learned that getting in there and trying a new tool is relatively painless and does not commit me to "having to use it" if I don't like it. Not trying it does not help me learn anything and may keep me from finding something that I find really valuable. One of the biggest barriers to doing this is the lack of time, so I like the idea of setting aside 15 minutes a day to keep up to date.

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